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Restoration Planning at the Cienega Springs Ecological Reserve: Basis of Conceptual DesignDownload
Restoration Planning at the Cienega Springs Ecological Reserve: Final 100% Design and Technical ReportDownload
Restoration Planning at the Sespe Cienega Literature and Data ReviewDownload
Prioritizing Sites along the Santa Clara River for Conservation of Threatened and Endangered SpeciesDownload
America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2005Download
State of the Watershed – Report on Surface Water QualityDownload
Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring Plan For The Santa Clara River WatershedDownload
Wildlands of the Santa Clara River Watershed: Restoring and Maintaining the Integrity and Health of the River and its WatershedDownload
Conservation Plan for the Lower Santa Clara River Watershed and Surrounding AreasDownload
Re-imagining Access ARCS of Experience for the Santa Clara RiverDownload
Santa Clara Invasive Plant Removal (SCIPR) & Santa Clara Invasive Plant Removal (SCIPR) & Upper Santa Clara Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Upper Santa Clara Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program (SCARP)Download
Santa Clara River Watershed Habitat Conservation PlanDownload
Hedrick Ranch Nature Area Bird Survey Report 2010Download
Geomorphic Assessment of the Santa Clara River Watershed, Synthesis of the Lower and Upper Watershed StudiesDownload
Restoration at the Hedrick Ranch Nature AreaDownload
Historical Ecology of the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, and Oxnard Plain: An Analysis of Terrestrial, Riverine, and Coastal HabitatsDownload
Santa Clara River Parkway Strategic Plan for Arundo Treatment and Post-Treatment RevegetationDownload
WCVC IRWM Plan Update 2014Download
Projected Changes in Ventura County ClimateDownload