About Us
The Santa Clara River Conservancy (SCRC) is a conservation organization formed in 2009 to maintain connectivity of natural resources throughout the Santa Clara River Watershed. Based in the Santa Clara River valley, our primary goal is to protect native riparian habitat through restoration, conservation, education, and collaboration. The Santa Clara River is the last major coastal system in southern California that retains much of its natural hydrology.



Our Mission
The Santa Clara River Conservancy, representing the diverse interests of the Santa Clara River Watershed, across the flood plain and throughout the tributaries, seeks to:

Restore and sustain natural riparian ecosystem functions to support all its inhabitants.




Our Board of Directors

Ron Merkord
Ron started his interest in wildlife and conservation while growing up in south Texas. After coming to California to earn his BS in Applied Physics from Caltech, he first worked as research scientist for ARCO Solar, developing new types of solar cells. For the past 30 years, Ron has been a general partner of Laser Innovations, repairing high-tech lasers for clients all over the world. He now lives, with his wife and son, on a ranch in the Bardsdale area of Ventura County, where for years he also ran an educational facility with exotic animals, teaching school kids about animal conservation. His interests include nature photography, electric vehicles, and renewable energy. Ron also serves on the Ventura County Clean Air Fund Advisory Committee, as well as formerly on the Ventura County Parks Advisory Commission.

Sanger Hedrick
Hedrick Properties Inc.
Sanger Hedrick – a Ventura County native, Stanford graduate, USC MBA graduate, and a third generation citrus grower – began his professional career in 1966 as an analyst with Economics Research Associates of Los Angeles. He co-founded Development Economics Inc. of Redondo Beach but later returned to Ventura and established a career in Real Estate Consulting, Brokerage, Investments and Property Management. For twenty years and counting, Sanger has been the President and part owner of Hedrick Properties, Inc., a property management and citrus farming firm. In 1999, Sanger completed negotiations with the California Coastal Conservancy for sale of a major portion of his family’s ranch for conservation protection and ultimately part of the Santa Clara River Parkway. This portion of the parkway is now under the stewardship of Friends of the Santa Clara River. Since then, he has been involved in numerous activities in the areas of conservation and restoration on the Santa Clara River. He is currently on the Board of The Ventura Audubon Society (VAS) and The Friends of The Santa Clara River (FSCR).

Nancy Settle Vaniotis
Retired Ventura County Planning Manager
Nancy is a Southern California native and long time Ventura county resident. One of her first jobs after graduating from UCSB with a degree in Biological Sciences/Environmental Emphasis was a Hydrographer with the United Water Conservation District. This provided an “in depth” experience of the Santa Clara River and its’ tributaries and a great appreciation for the people, land, and water resources of the Santa Clara river valley. She retired as a Ventura County Land Use Planning Manager with 30 years experience in land use planning and grant programs including the Coastal Resource Grant Program to protect wildlife corridors, landscape linkages and establish conservation easements and subdivisions. She oversaw agricultural protection programs, Countywide water management plans and participated in the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) and Tri-County Fish Team. She enjoys hiking, biking, and sailing with her husband Bill and daughter, Cassi, a recent graduate of UC Santa Cruz.

Ken Blaich
CIC, Board Member
Area Senior Vice President
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services LLC
Ken is a native Southern Californian. He moved to Ventura County in 1991, and has served Ventura County agriculture and construction clients for 30 years. Ken’s passion for the outdoors began as a young boy hiking and biking in the hills near his home in Woodland Hills, spending summers in Laguna Beach in the surf, and camping and fishing in the High Sierra with his Dad. Ken began fly fishing the Sespe in 1992 and has formed a special kinship with that stream and the Southern CA Steelhead and native rainbow trout that inhabit it. This kinship has led him into a stewardship role to protect this beautiful watershed including the Santa Clara which the Sespe flows into. Ken is married to his wife, Jenny, and has two boys, Reid and Ryan who have made protecting the environment their collegiate and professional focus. Ken studied English Literature at CSUN. He has been an active member and supporter of CalTrout since 2003.

Gene Peck
Board Member
Gene is a native of Oxnard who grew up hiking the mountains of the Santa Clara River watershed and surfing its beaches. After a BA in geology from UCSB, he conducted hydrologic and water quality field studies, wrote environmental assessments and impact studies and designed wetland mitigation throughout the US. A mid-career master’s degree in coastal and watershed systems from Yale University led him to experience with governments and businesses on large coastal, river and estuary restoration programs worldwide. As Global Practice Leader at Dames & Moore/URS and then as a Vice President at Arcadis, he applied expertise in sediment management to the remediation of rivers such as the Hudson, Passaic, Tittabawassee and Rio de la Plata, in addition to developing regional sediment management plans for the Port of New York/New Jersey. Later, as an independent consultant, he developed strategic management plans/policies for the Corps of Engineers, oversaw dredging at US Navy facilities and pioneered businesses to beneficially use dredged material. Gene is a licensed professional geologist. He is certified by USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service as a Technical Service Provider to assist agricultural growers in addressing environmental concerns.

Heather Merenda
Board Member
Heather Lea Merenda has worked in the environmental field since 1992, in both the public and private sector. Currently, she works for the City of Santa Clarita Environmental Services Division in environmental compliance, grants, capital project management of environmental projects, watershed restoration/invasive weed management, and green building. Recent projects include development, funding and construction of a large scale regional stormwater infiltration site for the Upper Santa Clara River EWMP, managing the WaterTalks program for needs assessments of disadvantaged and underserved communities, invasive plant removal from the Santa Clara River, construction and operation of public electric vehicle charging stations, and achieving Platinum energy efficiency level for her City through the Local Government Partnership energy efficiency program. She is a LEED Professional, Qualified SWPPP Developer and a CPSWQ. She has a MPA degree from CSU Northridge and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography/Environmental Science from CSU Long Beach. She is a member of the CASQA Water Policy Task Force, Disadvantaged Communities Involvement Program Task Force Co – Chair, and Measure W Watershed Area Steering Committee member.
Our Staff
After graduating with a B.S. in Ocean Engineering from Texas A&M University, Shawn worked as a Coastal Engineer for the Gold Coast City Council in Queensland, Australia for a short time. He subsequently moved to Ventura County and began a career as an Ocean Engineer for the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center’s Ocean Engineering Department. After 10 years working as an engineer, he returned to graduate school and obtained a Masters in Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Following graduate school, he worked for a state initiative called the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project (WRP) in a number of capacities until taking a position with the Santa Clara River Conservancy. Shawn has a broad range of professional interests and experiences, and as a 30-year resident of Ventura County, Shawn is excited to be working in the critically vital and compelling Santa Clara River Watershed. Shawn is a passionate environmentalist and outdoor enthusiast, being a former competitive surfer as well as an avid mountain biker and snowboarder. He is the father of two boys.
Devina graduated from Texas State University where she earned a B.S. in Wildlife Biology. Shortly after, she served as an agroforestry volunteer for the Peace Corps in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. She has also worked as a biological technician on projects in New Mexico, collecting data on several vulnerable chipmunk species. She is enthusiastic about wildlife, conservation, and influencing others towards a more sustainable future and finds joy in cooking, running, and reading the latest sci-fi fantasy novels.

Dalton Laue
Restoration Specialist
Dalton graduated from CSU Channel Islands with a B.S. in Environmental Science and
Research Management. He has spent time working within the Santa Monica mountains,
including a year-long project focusing on the restoration of Valley Oaks at Rancho Sierra
Vista/Satwiwa. Since he was young, Dalton has felt a strong connection to the natural world and is excited and motivated to help protect and enrich the Southern California ecosystem. He enjoys spending his free time camping, going on hikes, watching sports and also has a deep passion for music, which includes playing the guitar and writing songs with his friends.
Beckett graduated from UCSB with a B.S. in Environmental Science. After graduating he worked with Adam Lambert’s Lab at UCSB as a lab assistant/ restoration technician. He has previously also worked with Channel Islands Restoration as a restoration intern in the San Marcos foothills in Santa Barbara. Beckett has always been passionate about the environment and intends to go to graduate school after which he hopes to make a greater impact. He is a major basketball fan and spends his time getting exercise, hanging out with friends, making food, and watching sports.